Our Story

We are Kelley and Carol Vick

Owners of Shade Tree RV Park

Kelley grew up in Fordtran, TX most of my life before moving to Arnaudville, LA approximately 10 years ago. I am the proud grandfather of five. Previously, I have owned a leasing company, mowed highways for the state of Texas, been a cattle rancher, operated a BBQ business for 17 years in Yoakum, TX and at the age of 21 I was a First-Class Machinist. I have two children. Garlan, who lives in Victoria, TX and is a Safety Manage for a paving company. Marlon lives in Mission Valley, TX who works in the Oil Field and is the Pastor of Calvery Baptist Church in Cuero, TX.

Carol (Garrett) was also raised in Fordtran, TX. She has a 19-year-old son by the name of Garrett, who she adopted from Russia when he was four. Carol’s background was as a Customer Service Manager for the Kroger Company for 10 years before moving to Boise, ID and working as a Human Resource Manager for a large Home Health/Staffing Agency. Currently, she owns and operates a Home Care Agency in Lafayette, LA. She will be celebrating 23 years of serving our community with unwavering passion and great customer service.

They both enjoy hunting, fishing and relaxing. They look forward to serving EACH and EVERY one of their guests here at Shade Tree RV Park. They will be residing in Site #1 and welcome you to stop and chat with them at any time.

We would like to thank you for staying with us and we hope to be the best at serving you. If there are any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us.

Our Mission

To provide a safe space that embodies “Country Living”.
Where respect for property and tenants are our first priority.
We commit ourselves to maintaining a reputation for quality and integrity.

Our Values

Will be guided by a system of values that require us to create and perpetuate an environment that is grounded in honesty, integrity, trustworthiness, fairness and ethical behavior. Furthermore, we commit ourselves to being the type of owners where mutual respect among each of us makes up the cornerstone of the property.

We are excited to be here and to be a part of this great community.

Camp Hosts

Jerry and Dianne

Meet Jerry and Dianne your host at Shade Tree RV Park in Yoakum, Texas. Jerry and Dianne have many years of serving guests in the surrounding areas. We are blessed to have Jerry and Dianne at Shade Tree RV Park and serving our guest every day.

“Jerry is 66 and I’m 67 will be married 46 years September 30. We were high school sweethearts in school had one daughter that has passed away with a birth defect back in 2001. We both retired and decided to do the campground host first started out in Edna, then Goliad area and now the shade tree park.”

Binks the Park cat has been there about four years. She was a guest cat, but somehow they had left her behind. She comes in the morning to get her breakfast and then she comes in the evening. Get her dinner. very sweet cat, but you can’t touch her, but she does love to catch gophers.